Today I decided to participate in Andy Kriebel's and Andy Cotgreave's #MakeoverMonday Tableau Challenge. I have been enjoying seeing this series progress the last few weeks. People have produced such interesting variations of the same data set (see the variety, here !). I particularly like this project for a few reasons: It removes all the pre-viz steps such as data collection, cleaning, etc. and allows you to focus right in on best practices and design. If you stick with suggested 1 hour time block, it makes participation less daunting. It allows you to see what others in the community came up with for the same dataset. I have been finding myself having a-ha moments and really drawing inspiration...I might have an update to this with a makeover of my own incorporating all my favorite parts of others :) By engaging with the community, it will encourage you to continue to participate and expand your skillset. So why not give next week's #MakeoverMonday a go? Full det...