It's Saturday October 17th, two days before the 2015 Tableau Conference in Las Vegas. I'm not packed, I haven't picked all the sessions I want to attend yet and I realize my Tableau vizzing has been...well...not existent the last couple of months. The dashboards I made with my team were in production and I started on a new project at work focused on data migration and architecture, less so on visualization (for now). I decided I needed to grease the wheels and play to get back into Tableau mode. To be honest, I didn't have a particular question in mind or a story I wanted to tell. I just wanted a data set that required minimal prep work so that I could get to vizzing. I ended up coming across Jewel Loree's data feed on "Inside Airbnb". The source of the data, Inside Airbnb , hosted a collection of Airbnb data for cities around the world. The best part for me was that the data had already been analyzed, cleansed and aggregated where appropriate. Perfect! A...